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Hydra Quad Records
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1. Hydra Quad Records
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Date: Apr 04, 2001 on 10:35 a.m.
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-Personal Information-
Student Name:
Shimon Rabin
Birth Date: March 3
Current Age: 17
Previous Home: Haifa, Israel
Ethnicity: Arab
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Quad Name: Hydra
Assigned Cell: A
Highest Held Battle School Rank: Toon Leader

Parents: Unknown (No data exists)
Sibling(s): None known
Nickname: None
Probable Origin: N/A
Self Identification (per monitor reports): Rabin


-Most Current Assessment- (to be filled in by officer assessing the student)

Military and Tactical: Big lad. Built like a titanium bulkhead. Keeps himself in excellent shape, but makes little use of gym equipment. Prefers to be in motion, apparently. Excellent spatial and visualization skills, as well as remarkably keen senses. Would have been an ideal candidate for the Special Operations AIT program, but he's taken an interest in being a pilot, and his performance in the Simulator proves that he has the mettle.

Academic: Rabin has a keen mind, but is very particular about what he uses it for. Excels in all clases involving flying, tactics, physical combat, etc., but coasts technical classes. His Electronics and Systems instructors, in particular, have complained that he rarely even attends. No disciplinary action has yet been taken, as it has become quite clear that this young man is never going to be a tech.

Disciplinary History: Three times disciplined for Improper Conduct -- twice for fighting, and once for inappropriate comments directed toward the new Intermediate Tactics Training instructor, Lieutenant Laura Robbins. Also implicated in at least nineteen different protocol violations during the past two years, though sufficient evidence has not been found to discipline him.

Family Notes: No data available. Rabin has resisted all attempts at information gathering.

Medical History: A few minor injuries from scuffs with other students. As the saying goes, "You should have seen the other guy though."

Physical Description: Almost a full two meters tall, muscular, with broad shoulders and a style of movement that speaks of being used to power. Skin tone and physical features suggest ancestry from northern Africa -- specifically, Egypt. How he came to live in Israel in not known. Thick black hair worn as long as is allowed by IF regulations, and generally only shaves once every few days, though his facial hair often earns him reprimands from superiors concerning his noncompliance with the school dress code.

Personality Assessment: An odd boy. Good natured around some, hostile around others. Always arrogant, and always sarcastic. Certainly has a nasty streak in him, and his tongue has gotten him into more than one fist fight. Often disrespectful toward superiors, and downright insubordinate at times. A troublemaker so full of himself that his only close friend, in all his time here at Command School, was a veteran that graduated last year with the same traits as he. Whether or not Rabin's conduct will change now that this friend is gone remains to be seen.

Comments: A highly promising pilot, with the ambition and the spirit to make the IF proud someday. Assuming, of course, that he doesn't make us ice him first.



Date: Apr 04, 2001 on 10:36 a.m.
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3. Re:Hydra Quad Records
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last updated at Apr 04, 2001 11:14 a.m. (1 times)


-Personal Information-
Student Name:
Moira Callenstrom
Birth Date: January 7th
Current Age: 15
Previous Home: Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Ethnicity: American/Austrian
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Ice Blue
Quad Name: Hydra
Assigned Cell: A
Highest Held Battle School Rank: Soldier

Parents: Richard E. Callenstrom, III and wife
-Occupations of Parents-
Father: CEO of Callenstrom Forestry
Mother: Countess Lilliana Ravenshire, deceased

Sibling(s): None
Nickname: Wick
Probable Origin: Kids at home picked up on her pyromania hobby and took to calling her "Wick", and the name stuck. She responds to it, and doesn't seem to mind it.

Self Identification (per monitor reports): Wick


-Most Current Assessment- (to be filled in by officer assessing the student)

Military and Tactical: Over the top on small unit tactics, and familiar with every piece of armament we utilize, and some we don't. She also handles herself pretty well in hand-to-hand, but she seems to prefer the weapon solution.

Academic: An indifferent student unless it's military-related. Can accurately assess bullet or flight path trajectory up to 200 yards with no equipment, but doesn't write essays well.

Disciplinary History: Several fights earthside. Monitor reports indicate they were provoked, but it didn't take much to set her off. In trouble nine times over homemade explosives, but they were all relatively weak, misdemeanor firework variety. Two fights with a soldier while she was in her launch. Holodisc records show the girl she fought with was provoking her. Other student has been graduated.

Family Notes: Her mother was killed by an ecoterrorist firebomb when she was four. Although in the vehicle, Moira suffered only casual burn scarring on her upper left arm. Her father continues his business planetside, and offered her up for battleschool monitoring and placement just after the accident.

Medical History: Various cuts, nicks and scratches from fighting. Left arm broken and burned in firebombing, but no lasting functional damage.

Physical Description: Medium height for a girl her age. Hair is cut short, along the jawline, and she is very pale. Her features reflect her mother more than her father, large eyes, arched brows and high cheekbones, with a slender frame. She is surprisingly strong, but doesn't have much visible muscle mass.

Personality Assessment: She has an unhealthy fascination with fire that extends from her mother's death, but the psych evaluation cleared her for admission. She made only a few friends in her launch, and she didn't go out of her way to do it. Her one real attachment she made during her tenure in Fox Army (see Jordan Windhaven). She seems driven, but only in certain areas, leaving other places in her academics somewhat unfulfilled. She is brilliant, without question, but she doesn't seem to care unless it's something she's interested in. Usually something that's going to explode.

Comments: She's been tempered since her days as a launchy, and we are pleased with her progress. We expect her to become an excellent tactical/weapons specialist.


Date: Apr 04, 2001 on 11:13 a.m.
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last updated at Jul 18, 2001 09:45 p.m. (1 times)
Bye bye, Sergei <wave>
Date: Apr 05, 2001 on 10:51 a.m.
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since: May 22, 2001
5. Re:Hydra Quad Records
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-Personal Information-
Student Name:Abdallah Mahmud al-Azzazi
Birth Date: 8 March
Current Age:17
Previous Home: Beirut, Lebanon.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
Quad Name:Hydra
Assigned Cell:D
Highest Held Battle School Rank:
Commander (Tide Army)
Parents:Lailah and Mustaffah al-Azzazi
-Occupations of Parents-
Father:Minister of the Lebanese government
Mother:School teacher
Sibling(s): Amal, 20
Sibling(s) Enlisted:none
Probable Origin:Short for Abdallah - prefared as "Abd" means "Slave". Dal - the 8th letter of the Arabic alphabeit.
Self Identification (per monitor reports)al


-Most Current Assessment- (to be filled in by officer assessing the student)

Military and Tactical: When his head is in it, Dal's mind is one of the most brilliant that were ever observed. Sees the important spots of everything in a matter of seconds.

Academic: Strong abilities. Learns everything quickly. Once learned something, he never forgets it. Main strengths - Physics and computers.

Disciplinary History: None until leaving Battle School.

Family Notes: none. A normal, regular family.

Medical History: Broken leg at age 7, the area a bit weak ever since. 4 suicide attempts.

Physical Description:Tall, thin, edging anorectic.

Personality Assessment:Dal was a praised soldier until leaving Battle School at age 13. Due to certain circumstances (see file LG198567) tried committing suicide. Dal is a very troubled young man, who is now only a shadow of the person he used to be before re-reaching Earth.

Comments: Should be kept under psychistriast's guidance. To be watched closely.



Date: May 26, 2001 on 03:25 p.m.
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since: Mar 03, 2001
6. Re:Hydra Quad Records
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-Personal Information-
Student Name: Tiena Mikal
Birth Date: February 14th
Current Age: 17
Previous Home: Geneseo, NY, USA
Ethnicity: Irish
Hair Color: Strawberry-blonde
Eye Color: Black
Quad Name: Hydra
Assigned Cell: D
Highest Held Battle School Rank: Toon Leader

Parents: Phillip and Theresa Mikal
-Occupations of Parents-
Father: Firefighter
Mother: Firefighter
Sibling(s): None
Siblings Enlisted: None
Nickname: Mik
Probable Origin: Play on last name; Irish origin, from "Mick"
Self Identification (per monitor reports): Mik


-Most Current Assessment- (to be filled in by officer assessing the student)

Military and Tactical: Graduate of West Point Military Academy. Trained in all aspects of military strategy, tactical movements, adept with hand-to-hand combat and especially with all manners of firearms. Impressively analytical and talented in terms of smaller scale warfare, has some difficult with large groups. Has shown improvement in skills since enrolling at Battle School, and throughout her time here at Command School. Currently a firearms major and the weapons technician for her Quad; we continue to be amazed by her abilities in this field. Ranked 3rd amongst all FA Majors.

Academic: All courses taken at college level. Has done well in all required courses, but rather passive about schoolwork. Prefers to study on own, dislikes group work. If only she put as much time into her homework as she does shooting at the range, and she'd be brilliant.

Disciplinary History: Has a tendency to do things her own way, resulting in earlier disciplinary action by administration. Involved in a few minor fistfights in which she was the antagonist. No further infractions at this point.

Family Notes: Both parents severely injured while in the line of duty, and having actually run away from West Point Academy to be with her parents, Mik was extremely reluctant to leave for Battle School shortly thereafter. She seems to have adjusted well, although still touchy on the subject.

Medical History: All immunizations. No history of broken bones or illnesses requiring hospitalization. Standard cuts and bruises.

Physical Description: Medium height with slight but muscular build. Strong despite smaller stature. Shoulder-length strawberry-blonde hair, dark black eyes. No distinguishing scars, but a West Point insignia tattoo on right shoulderblade.

Personality Assessment: Quite aggressive, arrogant, cocky... and did we mention arrogant? Attitude has remained such throughout her career and we're resigned to her insubordinate politeness. Tends to become aggravated quickly, but never overly violent. Intelligent, analytical, and prescient. Rather withdrawn at first, but does have the ability to work well with others. A good commander will help Mik develop the concepts of teamwork, since she usually prefers to work alone.



Date: Jun 04, 2001 on 12:49 a.m.
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since: Jul 16, 2001
7. Re:Hydra Quad Records
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-Personal Information-
Student Name:
Minerva Thoth
Birth Date: July 6
Current Age: 16
Previous Home: Boring, Oregon
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Green/Blue
Quad Name: Hydra
Assigned Cell: A
Highest Held Battle School Rank: Soldier
Parents: Craig and Andrea Thoth
-Occupations of Parents-
Mother: Doctor

Sibling(s): Curtis (deceased)
Siblings Enlisted: None
Nickname: none
Probable Origin: N/A
Self Identification: Minerva


-Most Current Assessment- (to be filled in by officer assessing the student)

Military and Tactical: Minerva is an extremely intelligent person with a vast array of knowledge. She has very limited leadership skills however and prefers to have a strong commander who gives very direct orders. Her athletic ability is also very high which makes her more competent in the battle room as a soldier. What she lacks in leadership, she makes up for in soldier ability. Classes will probably do little for her advancement in knowledge, but more time working on leadership skills is needed. She needs to learn to take command of the situation.

Academic: Minerva has always been first in her class and continues to do well at Command School. It's as if she knows her command abilities are not as high as others and prefers to prove herself through knowledge.

Disciplinary History: No major incidents recorded. Just the typical Battle School skirmishes.

Family Notes: Parents worked a lot at their respective jobs. Minerva claims she was raised mainly by her brother Curtis. He died a month before her leaving for Battle School in a robbery incident. Minerva was apparently never the same after his death. Her parents enrolled her in fencing classes at a very early age which she continues to practice to this day.

Medical History: While working out in the gym one day, Minerva fell and broke her leg. Her knee since then hurts her from time to time and can cause her severe pain.

Physical Description: A fairly tall girl for her age with a tough build. She is physically fit, especially in her arms, apparently from her fencing work. She also took karate lessons in Battle School and still practices moves in the gym. She has very expressive eyes, which are sometimes referred to as her "weakness."

Personality Assessment: She can be an extremely emotional person after high amounts of stress. She has been seen crying many times after toon battles and her medical accident. As said before, her expressive eyes are sometimes referred to as her "weakness." I do not believe she lets on all that is happening in her brain though. She acts a bit "stupid" around some of the children, only to humiliate them on studies or in the battle room later. As if they drop their expectations about her and burn for it.

Comments: I wish desperately that she would attempt some sort of leadership. She may take charge and surprise all of us. I have tried to get her put in a quad with a group of students who are not leadership types. If we force her to take control, she may. She seems like she would be the violent type, but so far nothing serious has happened. I think fencing is a great outlet for her aggression. She may end up not being a very good soldier, but she will be a great information officer.



Date: Jul 19, 2001 on 09:59 p.m.
Hydra Quad Records
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