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I stayed up all last night with Amers and then I took some Vivarin with a Sobe Adrenaline Rush and I'm totally wired and I have been for HOURS and no sign of coming down and I'm wondering if my hands are going to be sore when I start to crash?

I hope you show up soon cause it's hard to wait and tap your foot when all you want to do is jump up and run around and it's much easier to cope when there's someone to babble at or post with.


Date: May 14, 2001 on 10:05 a.m.
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2. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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I just got into 2nd period and I started a gabe post.

are, um, you . . . alright?

Date: May 14, 2001 on 10:09 a.m.
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3. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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I'm so alright I could climb mount everest and write a book and mow my mother's lawn, and if you don't think those equate you haven't seen my mother's lawn.

And NO, I'm not insane, why does everyone keep ASKING ME THAT?!

I'm not insane!
Johan's fucking insane.
Kat's insane.
Mode's insane.
I am quite down to earth.

Quite is a good all-purpose response word.
"Rainy day today." "Quite."
"Did you have a good weekend?" "Quite."
"Ow, my toe hurts." "Quite."

It rules.

Quite rocks.
But not quite as much (hehe, quite!) as Joe!
Joe is a really easy name to type.
You should try it.

Date: May 14, 2001 on 10:11 a.m.
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4. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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I can't wait to see your post.

I've been waiting to post all day, but Den's been busy and Ian too and no one else has been on.


I mean, not to rush you. You always do such great posts. They're totally worth waiting for!

Besides, I'm quite good at waiting (quite! HAHAHA!).

Yes, yes, I know. I'm fantastic, I'm wonderful, I'm such a good typist. I should join competitions. I should start a league. Typists of America.

Date: May 14, 2001 on 10:13 a.m.
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5. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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er . . .

um, . . . okay, if you say so, posting. may not be too long, but I suppose it's probably not a good idea to keep you waiting.

Date: May 14, 2001 on 10:14 a.m.
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6. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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Did I mention you're a great writer?

I was looking over some of our stuff today in the launches, and last night, too. And I was reading your stuff and my stuff and Den's stuff and thinking, wow, we've all really massively improved, but me and Den improved more than you did, cause you were already really fucking awesome. And I was reading the post you wrote when you were really pissy, and it energized me last night and made me giggle as much as it did the first time! And I was like, WOW! I TOTALLY REMEMBER THAT, and he was SO RIGHT!! AHAHAAHA!

Date: May 14, 2001 on 10:15 a.m.
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7. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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This stupid board needs to remove it's little 20 second pause thing. It's really annoying. I was maxing out Aim earlier. I think it thought I was spamming, but I was just typing. It's not fair. They shoudl have a content filter that can tell the difference between cognizant typing and pointless spamming. Or the audience should be able to decide what's spamming and what's not. It's stupid either way. Quite (hehe!) stupid.
Date: May 14, 2001 on 10:17 a.m.
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8. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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posted gabe. er, bec, you're joking, right? I mean, this is a little unnerving. i mean, of course you're joking, i know that, but say it for me anyway, please?
Date: May 14, 2001 on 10:17 a.m.
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9. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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AS it is I keep posting and it keeps telling me to wait, wait wait and I don't WANT to wait, I want to POST. Maybe I should make my posts longer...but it really doesn't take much time at all to fill up some space, you know? It's not like notepad. Notepad you can make bigger or smaller depending on how long you want your post to be, but this window stays pretty much the same size unless I actually don't make it full screen and try to resize it instead, and then it can get really big cause I'm working with a dual-head video card that handles two monitors and displays the desktop across both of them so we can check the website at two different resolutions at the same time and I think that's really cool, don't you?
Date: May 14, 2001 on 10:19 a.m.
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10. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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ERr... I'm sorry, Rem.

I can make my posts quiet and boring if you like, maybe throw in a few yawns?


ERr, hehe, that wasn't quite (giggle) what you had in mind, eh?

Ok, about your post. Do you want us to hook up with Cas? Cause he took the Spyder back to his cell with him. OR are we going to build our own thing? Maybe we could find Cas' designs and stuff. What do you think?

Date: May 14, 2001 on 10:23 a.m.
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11. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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Err, wow. I hope you're still here. I didn't meant to chase you off. You probably just have work to do. I do too, but for some reason I can't seem to focus long enough to do it, hehe. But that's alright. My boss hasn't even dragged his ass in yet today. Go figure. Ah well. I'll survive, eh?
Date: May 14, 2001 on 10:25 a.m.
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12. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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Ok, so I'm not very patient.

I guess I'll post Sol and try to remain non-commital until you come back!

Date: May 14, 2001 on 10:29 a.m.
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13. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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...er, so you're okay? you're not actually like flipping out or tripping on something or anything like that?

I was planning on us getting cas's help, since Gabe certainly wouldn't know how to build anything and as far as I know neither would sol. we could lift some useful stuff while we're in the engineering bay and then be lead to cas somehow, either by finding his notes or schemtics or by talking to someone there or whatever. then we can go visit him. sorry if I'm not able to post much today, i'm writing in between pieces of actual classwork. My posts will probably be short and unimpressive, but by all means, feel free to god us around if you're too . . . hyped . . . to wait until later.

Date: May 14, 2001 on 10:29 a.m.
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14. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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Vivarin is a wonderful thing.

But ANYWAY. Alright, I've posted Sol.

Date: May 14, 2001 on 10:38 a.m.
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15. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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Damn you, Jayde, running away like that...
Date: May 14, 2001 on 10:51 a.m.
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16. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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Good post!

Ok, here we go.

Date: May 14, 2001 on 10:55 a.m.
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17. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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posted gabe, and tried to make it at least a little substantial. sorry if I can't give it my all today, i'm down to a B in this class and that means my only A left is in bloody spanish. if I'm going to get a C in english then I had damn well better get my grades up in my other classes.

anyway, i'm here through this period, which ends at 11:25, but I don't think I'm going to go on IFC at lunch, because Gus is playing stealthy and if at all possible I'd like him to forget IFC exists.

Date: May 14, 2001 on 10:57 a.m.
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18. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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and what is vivarin, exactly? should I be worried about you?
Date: May 14, 2001 on 11:15 a.m.
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19. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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Vivarin = wake up medicine.
but I'm falling to sleep anyway.

Ugh, I may go home. I feel awful.

Date: May 14, 2001 on 11:20 a.m.
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20. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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if you don't feel well, go home. you're no use to me if you don't feel well enough to post <grin>
Date: May 14, 2001 on 11:30 a.m.
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21. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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Well, damn.


good to know my place, eh?

Date: May 14, 2001 on 11:38 a.m.
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22. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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I'm worried about you, becca. seriously, if you don't feel well you should go home and get some rest.
Date: May 14, 2001 on 11:43 a.m.
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23. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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Bah, wish I could. But bossman isn't here, and I can't just *leave*, I don't think.

Ah, well. Lemme post Sol. Are we going to the Engineering Bay now? Maybe I Should post Cas first. He's still stuck in last night. I could bring him up to the present and he could meet us in there.

Date: May 14, 2001 on 11:47 a.m.
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24. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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A little guidance? Mind not clicking properly.
Date: May 14, 2001 on 11:52 a.m.
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25. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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I've got to go now. I even went back on my claim that I wasn't going to visit the site during lunch, but lunch is over now. I'll see you later.

feel better, becca.

Date: May 14, 2001 on 11:52 a.m.
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26. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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damn! i missed all the fun! i should have skipped history and german to join in... poor becca, why did amy have to pick today to fly home...
Date: May 14, 2001 on 02:52 p.m.
The Jaydes
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27. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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Jeez, Bec...

Well damn, you didn't have to make him leave. Kevo said "if". The boy could have stayed!

Miss you, tell Amy hey. Mail me if you want me.

Date: May 15, 2001 on 09:27 a.m.
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28. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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IF, Jayde?

Mode is waiting for Ryan in the Mess. Get your boys in there, captain.

Date: May 15, 2001 on 10:04 a.m.
The Jaydes
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29. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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Well please, enlighten this poor whipped bitch and tell me how he got there. Did Kat tell him something or what?

Date: May 15, 2001 on 10:17 a.m.
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30. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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Kat told him *everything*. Technically, Mode is there to retrieve breakfast for her, cause Sol beat her up really badly for stabbing Gabe. But all three people in Mode's head would be happy to see Ryan Jayde die a very painful death, so let's see get him in there, eh boyo?
Date: May 15, 2001 on 10:21 a.m.
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31. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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last updated at May 15, 2001 12:02 p.m. (1 times)
Ok, if you want to read exactly what she told him, here it is.


Read posts #177 - #187. That about covers it. This is just after Mode found her wandering the hallways and cleaned her up and stuff, so he knows *what* happened, just doesn't know who it was yet (until she tells him during these posts).

Date: May 15, 2001 on 11:52 a.m.
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32. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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Damnit, Jayde, where the hell did you go?
Date: May 15, 2001 on 12:04 p.m.
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33. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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Ian: What do you think of Vivarin, Amy?


Ian: So you like it then?

Den: If Action Man likes Vivarin, then so do I! Too bad he's pointing his gun at me, he's making me say all this Vivarin propoganda. Vivarin. Little. Yellow. Extremely exciting. Buy Vivarin today at your local pharmacy or grocery store. Just $3.99 for sixteen wonderful little pills. Not pills. Pieces of FUN! Bits of excitement! One pill = Two cups of coffee. Sixteen pills = 16 x 2 I can't do math. Screw math. All you need is fucking Vivarin, man! I'm dropping out of school and buying a motorcycle and a pager and I'm going to be a Vivarin dealer! Imagine all the money I can make! HOLY SCHNIKEY! I'LL BE A FREAKIN' MILLIONAIRE! A BILLIONAIRE! A TRILLIONAIRE! A QUADRUPLE HYPER-SUPAH KAZILLIONAIRE! And then I'll buy a yacht. A yacht with a tennis court and rock climbing wall on it. And a T3 like just for me. AND A LIFETIME SUPPLY OF VIVARIN!

Ian: Vivarin is my friend. It makes me feel wonderful and good. Aren't you glad I introduced you two?

Den: Vivarin and I are going to get married and have little hyperactive children. VIVARIN BABIES! We can move to Utah so I can marry Action Man and Ians too. It's like reverse polygamy. Shit. Mormons think men are the only ones that can have more than one significant other. You know what I say to that? BAH! Not just bah, SUPAH-BAH! You know that all those women in Utah are wishing that they could have multiple husbands. Think of all the WAS! I'm going to free them all and then we can open our horse/man ranch and have Wesley Snipes and Russell Crowe and who else were we going to have, Bec? I can't remember. I think Romeo was one. And Rem, tied up just for you. And whoever else strikes our fancy. OH YEAH! And we're going to track down that Mode-boy from the airport and have him too! Did I mention that I love Vivarin? I think I forgot to. I LOVE VIVARIN WOOOOO BZZZ VROOOOOOOOM!

Ian: Here, have another pill. *hands vivarin* You look like you're slowing down.

Den: *flies around room by flapping arms really really really fast* LOOK I CAN FLY JUST LIKE A HUMMINGBIRD! BZZZZZZ BZZZZZZZ BZZZZZZZZ BZZZZZ VROOOOM BZZZZZ BZZZZZ. I bet if I take more I can fly all the way to Texas. Let's try it! MORE VIVARIN FOR ME PLEASE! GIVE ME A VIVARIN IV! I WANT TO SNORT VIVARIN! MAKE A FREAKIN' VIVARIN PATCH SO I CAN HAVE A CONSTANT RUSH! Dude, I could make so much money off of this shit. I'll be a trazillionaire. Yacht? Screw a yacht! Food? Screw eating! ALL I NEED IS VIVARIN, BABY! Dude, we're foyne ass Vivarin-junkie shawties over here. Vivarin makes you sexy. Eat Vivarin and you'll be popular and famous just like us. We're going to be on the news and have our own website. They're going to make a band to sing Vivarin-related songs about us. We'll even get our own syndicated television show, starring Moesha. "The Viva-pals." "Mighty Morphing Vivarin Rangers." "Teenage Mutant Vivarin Turtles." Whoa, did I say turtles?! TURTLES! VIVARIN TURTLES! TURTLES SMELL ewww just like Rem, but Vivarin is GOOD! GOOD GOOD GOOD! GREAT GREAT GREAT! IT'S SUPER WONDERFUL. Ians says I'm insane but I don't believe it. I'm just crazy in all those delightful, naughty little ways. La la la la la la. Action Man thinks Becca is cute. I'm jealous. BITE ME, ACTION MAN! SHE'S MINE! MINE MINE MINE ALL MINE NO ONE ELSE CAN TOUCH!

Ian: Er. When I say "insane," I of course mean it in the "loveable huggable insanity" not the bad kind, with the shooting and the maiming and the killing mmhay!

Den: Did you know that Action Man has nipples? And he's not wearing any underpants, either. Whoa! Just like me! Wait. Did I just say that out loud? I said the loud part soft and the soft part loud! OH SHIT! I CAN'T CONTROL THE VOLUME OF MY VOICE! I'M TRYING TO WHISPER, GODDAMNIT! AM I WHISPERING NOW? I CAN'T TELL! SOMEONE STOP ME BEFORE... ahhhhhh Action Man is pointing a 9mm Beretta pistol at me, and he's smirking. I think he's thinking naughty dirty thoughts. Bad Action Man! You filthy bastard! Noooooooooo! Don't take me! You can have the knife and Ians and the Vivarin! OH WAIT! NOT THE VIVARIN! NOT MY PRECIOUS PRECIOUS VIVARIN!

Ian: HEY!

Den: Um, I didn't mean that, not really, Ians. Okay, so I did. I LOVE VIVARIN! VIVARIN MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND AND THE STARS SHINE AND THE SUN GLOW WARM AND SUNSHINEY OVER US ALL! Hey guys? Wanna know something really cool? Vivarin is even the same color as the sun. Yellow. Round. MESMERIZING. And it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The murderous kind of warm and fuzzy. Hey! Are you staring at me, punk?! You want a piece of this?! BRING IT ON, MOTHERFUCKER! I'VE GOT A BLOODY KNIFE WITH YOUR NAME WRITTEN ALL OVER IT! C'MERE, PUSSYBOY, I'LL GIVE YOU A TASTE OF YOUR OWN VIVARIN MEDICINE! *stabstabstabstabstab* I want a gun.

Ian: Um. Amy?

Den: There is no Amy. There is only the Vivarin goddess. ALL HAIL ME, THE VIVARIN GODDESS!

Ian: Aha. Well, uh, anyways. Who are you talking to and why are you slashing the air like that?

Den: Rem is a bloody liar.
Sorry, Bec. The wind was making my head nod.

Ian: It's true. She really is bashing her head against the desk. Not having much of an effect, far as I can tell. I think the caffiene has warped her senses.

Den: I need more Vivarin. Bye guys.

Date: Jun 02, 2001 on 12:43 a.m.
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34. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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Dear Rem and Bec--

I've decided to quit IFC. It really just takes up too much valuable Vivarin-eating time. I could be doing so many better things, like popping Vivarin, eating Vivarin, drinking suicides, and did I mention, taking Vivarin?

Scrabble is for losers.


Losers that have no Vivarin.

Vivarin is GOD.

Since my blood is almost 100% Vivarin right now (yes, that's a BVC content of .99) (BVC= Blood Vivarin Content) I guess that makes me a GODDESS.

I should shoot lightning bolts at you and make you post.

Or throw knives from the heavens.

Action Man hates you.

I hate you.

*cry* I have no friends except for Ian and Vivarin.

At least Action Man loves me.

Did I mention that Scrabble is for pussies? Weinies like horses and turtles.

Jackelopes aren't pussies, so we don't play Scrabble.


Remind me that if you guys ever are bugging me about posting again, I'm just going to go off and leave you alone and then ignore you and act all mean and play some game by myself. Like Stratego. Or Doom. Doom on God mode so that no one can kill me. And I'll have unlimited ammo. Oh wait. I AM GOD!

*sulks to self* Kitten doesn't like Mode anymore. I think I'm going to kill him in his sleep. Jor decided Bianca has bigger tits than that pale bitch Wick, so he's dumping her for the commander instead. Um, who else am I? Oh yes. Dante's decided that Donovan isn't that great in bed, so she's going to go find someone else. Mik is going to "accidentally" shoot Sasha when he's not looking. Nicolai is going to kill Gabe and steal Sol. That's it. Whoever else I am, just pretend that I did something nasty to you and left in a fiery inferno and blew the entire Command School into smithereens.

Farewell, you clueless little hooligans.

It was nice knowing you.

I'm going off on my motorcycle cross-country trip with Ians now.

I hope you find some sort of happiness in your little miserable Scrabble-playing lives.

Sayoonara, suckers!

Date: Jun 02, 2001 on 01:05 a.m.
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35. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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So I've been ordered to write mean and nasty things about certain parties, let's just call them "Rebka" and "Reemus." So here goes: they're bad. And I don't mean in that in the sense of good-bad, I mean it in the sense of bad-bad. Because, er, well, just because dammit! Do I really need a reason? What? I do? Damn. Uhhhhh, let me get back to you on that one.

Meantime, how about I just sort of talk, while I try to come up with a reason for you to shun and ostracize the two aformentioned parties.

Have you ever stopped to wonder about some of the deeper. more meaningful things in life? Take Chipmunks, for example. Why, just the other day, I was walking through the woods, minding my own business, when this chipmunk came racing out of the brush and attacked me! I didn't know what to do; it bit and scratched and roared, and took my leg off. That's when I realized that it wasn't a chipmunk at all, but was actually a grizzly bear!

It really makes you think, doesn't it?

Amy sez she's in the bathroom crying cause she can't post, but I think she might be lying, seeing as how she just buzzed past me into the kitchen, a madly giggling hummingbird on poor-man's-speed (Vivarin). She says Rebka and Reemus are mean and nasty and you should hate them for ever and ever amen. Myself, I think that's a bit harsh, but I'm not about to argue with a super-hyper assassin-wannabe with weapons hidden all over the house. You wanna' do it, be my guest. Me, I value my life. So I follow orders. *shrug* It beats the alternative.

I mean, she might make me walk the plank!

JACKELOPE DEN EATS TURTLES AND HORSES FOR BREAKFAST. Yeah, that means you, big nasty mean poopfaces. SLITHY TOAVIN' BOROGROVIN' WABE MUMRAS! If you're not nice to me again I'll never ever talk to you ever again. That's it. I HATE YOU ALL! Walk the plank, jerks.

See what I mean?

Date: Jun 02, 2001 on 01:21 a.m.
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36. Re:VIVARIN!@#
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I feel so out of sync. Here I am all ready to post and have tons of fun imersing myself and *GASP* noone is to be found to play with....Okay I need more than one character...maybe I could play with myself....er uh....well you know what I mean
Date: Jun 02, 2001 on 08:28 p.m.
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