Dialogue with one of the AOL Phone Jockeys.(note the ironed-in greeting)
AOLPJ: "ThankyouforcallingAOLthisisDerek. Can I get your first name?"
Sol: "No, I'm calling in for someone else. We're having a problem with your service."
AOLPJ: -slightpause- "Ok, can I get their first name?"
Sol: "No. We have a problem connecting to any websites outside the AOL system."
AOLPJ: -slightlylongerpause- "Ok, can I get your user ID?"
Sol: "No, we're logging in just fine, and we can even use the little inherent AIM function, but we can't access any outside webpages."
-The AOLPJ has now realized that he has a difficult customer. He has two options. Either he can get difficult back and demand the user ID, or he can attempt to get them off the line quickly enough that he doesn't have his call time MLAP (Minimum Level of Accepted Performance) average screwed. Being the hard-working, by-the-book man he is, he throws the rulebook for handling and logging calls to the wind, negates his entire reason for being paid, and wisely opts for number 2. -
AOLPJ: -slight sigh of resignation- "Alright, you're in front of the computer, right?"
Sol: -sensing success- "Yes sir." (lying)
AOLPJ: -now moving into pissy techzone to finish this off- "Ok, close out of AOL completely, and go look at your system tray and see if the AOL Icon is there. Is it?"
Sol: -very much NOT in front of the computer- "Uh. No."
AOLPJ: -breath in- "Ok, go to start, run and type aolsysinfo and hit enter, and the utilities button, and then the clear cache button until the computer cache reads "0" and then click the "uninstall AOL adapter" option and it'll ask you to restart and then will run an installation when you reboot and as you to restart once more, and then you should be able to access any page you want." -gasps for air-
Sol: -blinks and types- "Got it."
AOLPJ: -attempts to repair negligence- "Now, can I get your user-"
Sol: -click-