I posted a dedication for my very own Wick. Deep down she just wants to be loved.BWAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHa
Sorry, couldn't hold it in. ANYWAY, no, this is for her, because she has some less than pleasant times ahead and that song suits her better than any other I've ever found. Thanks to my cuddlecake for spotting it for me (and then promptly designating it too slow).
Uwaaaaah! I want to post for her! Hmm. I think she's just supposed to be talking about Kat right now, cause otherwise Jor would have pleeeeeenty of time to squish her - days, even. No, must cook this juuuuuuuuuust the right amount of time. Good thing I'm a better cook than Wick is.
Oh look. Posted.