While our writing is amazingly spectacular, our plots engaging and fabulous, and our characters just plain nuts, IFC isn't only about the WASing. It's also about how goddamn cool we all are.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~IFC ULTIMATE QUOTE INDEX~~ hourrhgabriel: It must be nice to have no conscience. SilverLeap: Oh, it's very nice. SilverLeap: Even I don't harass me!
IamYoda123: And I'm sorry, but that's just not as cool as being able to kill someone with your feet. IamYoda123: HAHA! IamYoda123: I crack myself up. SilverLeap: Someday you'll crack yourself up straight into a roadside ditch... IamYoda123: He's way too short, Amy. I'd have to, like, get on my knees. SilverLeap: You have a big gaping hole where God should be, Bailey. SilverLeap: You're nosing ass that noses other ass. SilverLeap: It's a vicious cycle. Ech0flash: A vicious ass-nose cycle! SilverLeap: <scoff> And you want children. RazorRemus: Well, don't take this the wrong way or anything, but I hope they're not like you. S0lenis: I'm bored. Can I attack him now? RazorRemus: Would murder and death make you feel better? ShveltFarAwy: It's okay, sometimes bad things happen to good people. SilverLeap: <growls> RazorRemus: Amy is the bad thing that happens to good people. IamYoda123: You're a Japanese kung-fu fighting oompa loompa. hourrhgabriel: Dude, Amy really is a bond villain SilverLeap: All parents like Amy. RazorRemus: Mine wouldn't. SilverLeap: Tchah, why not? RazorRemus: Uh, cause they would consider you a servant of the devil? SilverLeap: Someone please get me a scooter. S0lenis: There is nothing dignified about Hot Air Balloon travel. S0lenis: OMG!@# WHAT IF THEY STOLE IT?!@# S0lenis: WHAT IF THEY'RE BUILDING A MATTRESS GUN TO TAKE OVER THE WORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRLD?! SilverLeap: Oh my. SilverLeap: I never thought of it that way. S0lenis: MATTRESS SPACESHIP!@# S0lenis: Takes off with the pillows as WINGS!@# S0lenis: WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO!@# SilverLeap: We have to stop them, obviously! S0lenis: I think perhaps I've had too much sugar. RazorRemus: See, there's a problem with being a really cool pirate, though. SilverLeap: What's that? RazorRemus: All really cool pirates are really honorable. SilverLeap: Oh bah, says who? RazorRemus: Hey, all the cool pirates I know are honorable. SilverLeap: Oh really? And how many cool pirates do you know, hmmmmmm? RazorRemus: Ahem, lots. IamYoda123: ARGH! SilverLeap: Hmm? IamYoda123: ARGH! IamYoda123: The pirate ARGH! SilverLeap: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh SilverLeap: D'ARGH! SilverLeap: AVAST, ME MATEYS! STOW THE ANCHOR AND RAISE THE TOPSAILS! IamYoda123: There is no D SilverLeap: Um, there is so. IamYoda123: It's just ARRRRRRGH. SilverLeap: Excuse me, but here on the East Coast we have a different, better pirate yell. And it distinctly starts with a D. S0lenis: I love nucleotides. S0lenis: Without nucleotides, I'd die. hourrhgabriel: Sorry. I would laugh really hard though. SilverLeap: Welllll... would it be derisive, taunting laughter? SilverLeap: The kind that scars on the inside? IamYoda123: Like that bitch, Kat? SilverLeap: Whore. Whorewhorewhorewhorewhore. IamYoda123: And her ugly lover, Maude, or something like that SilverLeap: OH, THAT'S IT! SilverLeap: And I know Bai wants some touching 'let me cradle you in my arms, my dying life partner' sort of ending, but too bad, I want explosions. RazorRemus: <chants> Hurt'er! Maim'er! Get out there and slay'er! hourrrpourteau: You didn't give him enough alcohol. SilverLeap: For the last time, we are NOT life partners! hourrhgabriel: She wants a teary goodbye scene hourrhgabriel: Minerva: "<sniffle> Goodbye... my l___ p_______..." hourrhgabriel: And I won't say the words, cause there's no one to protect me SilverLeap: He can die of a broken heart. SilverLeap: And they'll put your tombstones next to one another. SilverLeap: With those really ugly statues of two angels holding hands on top. SilverLeap: AHHHHHHHHH but I want them to be together FOREVER! SilverLeap: HOLY SHIT ARE YOU SERIOUS? Ech0flash: I'M SERIOUS! SilverLeap: NO REALLY, ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Ech0flash: I'M SERIOUS!@#!@#!@#!@# SilverLeap: SERIOUSLY?! Ech0flash: SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SilverLeap: Okay. SilverLeap: Especially since we're so mature and all. Geniuses. Horny geniuses. Ech0flash: No kidding! Smart people are always hornier. SilverLeap: "And here we have identified the Evil Gene. Hitler had it. Walt Disney had it. Krusty the Klown has it. And now Becca and Amy have it." SilverLeap: Smaller coffins, less splatter. DKQuistin: Nah, he's just an ass. AnnaMomper: He's jealous of her frag count. IamYoda123: Beesnatch? SilverLeap: That sounds dirty. SilverLeap: It'll be all sad and melodramatic and people will clutch their hearts knowing that Nathan and Dante SHOULD have been together SilverLeap: And they can have wild animalistic sex. Ech0flash: We should just call it WAS. Ech0flash: I HAVE THE POWER OF CHOCOLATO! Ech0flash: So I need to clean my nest before I have a guest. Ech0flash: That did not just rhyme. Ech0flash: This is like anime dialogue! SilverLeap: Mode proves that white man CAN jump! SilverLeap: But I do promise not to train it to attack you specifically. hourrhgabriel: How nice of you. hourrhgabriel: Um. Ian's a pixie! RazorRemus: Gabe is not an assassin. SilverLeap: No, he just kills people for money. SilverLeap: Not an assassin at all. SilverLeap: Don't eyeballs explode? Or is that just my hopeful imagination? SilverLeap: But I really should go. Kara's going to yell again, and then I'm going to have to kill her, and I probably shouldn't do that. SilverLeap: Let's blow them up. RazorRemus: Hey, when we do that, can we write VBS telling them that they all died in the explosion and that they can just stop writing? SilverLeap: Yes. SilverLeap: Hell, let's just tell them they're already dead. RazorRemus: Amy, I'm a college student RazorRemus: I eat peanut butter off of plastic spoons RazorRemus: And then wash them so they can be used again RazorRemus: My cat's breath smells like catfood RazorRemus: And the scary twilight zone thing of it is, I can't find any fault in her logic. SilverLeap: Have I mentioned lately that WE ARE FUCKING AWESOME! Ech0flash: We should start a WAFA club. RazorRemus: Who's telling her? RazorRemus: I think that would be me. <makes zipping motion> SilverLeap: BURN! SilverLeap: BURN! RazorRemus: Ouch! SilverLeap: If that's another way of saying less WAS, you are so done talking. RazorRemus: Question everything. SilverLeap: Question this. <stab> RazorRemus: Will I receive monetary compensation if I don't agree after hearing it? SilverLeap: A dollar, sure. SilverLeap: Yeah, well, that's the way the cookie crumbles. S0lenis: Mm, cookie. SilverLeap: I hope he dies! ...again. SilverLeap: Your ideas intrigue me. SilverLeap: I would like to subscribe to your newsletter. S0lenis: I would like to buy your rock. RazorRemus: So then she's supposed to be a tragic widow and shrivel up! RazorRemus: Hmm. How could we do that without anybody dying? RazorRemus: Who's going to write the moral high ground? RazorRemus: You? S0lenis: Done and done. S0lenis: Um. But if you kill Adam, the deal's off. SilverLeap: I am greatly, vastly, and overwhelmingly NOT SYMPATHETIC TO HER PLIGHT. RazorRemus: Can you kidnap it? RazorRemus: Hahahaha, catnap it! SilverLeap: Good one, Adam. RazorRemus: <roll on floor> SilverLeap: You are a wit. RazorRemus: <kick feet> SilverLeap: Stop, please. RazorRemus: <wipe tears from eyes> Good times... SilverLeap: You and your stupid "rules"! RazorRemus: You aren't the boss of me! SilverLeap: I don't have to take orders from you! RazorRemus: Not with a collection of knives and three lethal pets, I should say you don't. SilverLeap: You know what word we haven't used in a long time, and that I strongly believe should be spoken at least once every few minutes? SilverLeap: Slumbitch. RazorRemus: Slumbitch? SilverLeap: Slumbitch. RazorRemus: Slumbitch. SilverLeap: Sluuuuuuuuuumbiiiiiiiiiitch! RazorRemus: Ah! Slumbitch! SilverLeap: Slumbitch! RazorRemus: Slumbitch! SilverLeap: Slumbitch? RazorRemus: That should make up for the last hour or two, I think. RazorRemus: Why do they not pay us for being so damn funny? SilverLeap: You know, I haven't quite figured that out yet. SilverLeap: <mumble> stupidadamjumpedthegun RazorRemus: She said on the count of three! SilverLeap: Dude, everyone knows that means "go" comes after three! RazorRemus: That wouldn't be on three! SilverLeap: Were you even paying attention? SilverLeap: It's general knowledge. Yeesh. S0lenis: Yes? No? Yes? Yes? SilverLeap: GODS YES! S0lenis: Your scream is my command. S0lenis: YOU CAN'T HANDLE PREPARED! BAH! NO PREPARATION CREATOR ARE YOU! I DERIDE YOUR PREPARATION ABILITIES! RazorRemus: Eat, sleep, kill, in that order, Amy. S0lenis: I could be a pet food tester. SilverLeap: Oh golly, but it would be hot. SilverLeap: DAMNIT! SilverLeap: TRAITOROUS THOUGHTS! S0lenis: DAMN YOU, WORK! S0lenis: DAMN YOU FOR STEALING MY AMY! S0lenis: I'LL HUNT YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN AND YOUR CHILDREN'S CHILDREN! S0lenis: AND AS THE LAST OF YOUR ACCURSED BREED DISSOLVES TO DUST, YOU SHALL KNOW THE EXTEND OF MY WRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATH SilverLeap: I love how they're all Indians. SilverLeap: Wild, untamed, horny Indians. RazorRemus: What are you plotting? SilverLeap: Your untimely demise, DUH. SilverLeap: But I mean, what can you expect from a goldfish freezing murderer? Ech0flash: I love you, Amy. Will you love me if I have no hair? SilverLeap: Sweets, I'd love you even if you were a Backstreet Boy. Ech0flash: Whoa! Ech0flash: That's devotion! Ech0flash: I'd love you even if you were Wesley Crusher. SilverLeap: WHOA! IamYoda123: She doesn't enjoy seeing her life partner hurt. SilverLeap: You really need to cut this life partner shit out. IamYoda123: Oh! You say life partner to mea ll the time when we're alone! SilverLeap: Shhhhh! SilverLeap: I have appearances to keep up! SilverLeap: Is that are we all to you? Posting? What of our intelligent conversations and witty jokes? WHAT OF THEM?! ARE WE NOTHING TO YOU?! SilverLeap: Okay, I'm done. </indignantrant> RazorRemus: Are you sure? RazorRemus: GabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabe GabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabe GabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabe GabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabe GabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabeGabe SilverLeap: Please, we're not all Sol here. Some of us can only take so much. Ech0flash: We're going to be RICH! Rich as astronauts! RazorRemus: Are astronauts rich? Ech0flash: It's from the Simpsons, it must be true. RazorRemus: I'll give you a dollar, Amy! SilverLeap: Dude, you owe me like six dollars already! SilverLeap: Soon you'll have to sell a kidney to pay me back! IamYoda123: That's some interest rate you have going there IamYoda123: Amy! My conscience! It's coming through! Suppress it! RazorRemus: Alright, but I'd better not have to take the bus to your intervention. S0lenis: But he didn't set off my gaydar! SilverLeap: I think they make porn like this. S0lenis: C'mon, it's Riya! She gets shot, fiddledeedee, tomorrow's another day! It's only a flesh wound! Gabe got STABBED, and he didn't whine this much about it! RazorRemus: I need a good laugh. Somebody tell me that Riya and Thoth are platonic. RazorRemus: What's six feet tall and green? RazorRemus: A six-foot-tall green man! RazorRemus: AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA RazorRemus: <kick feet> SilverLeap: Does he just keep getting more stupid, or is it me? Ech0flash: When you were in that coma, did you feel your brain getting damaged? SilverLeap: If you blink fast enough, it's like strobe lights. SilverLeap: If it's a bodacious stab, you know you're in trouble. RazorRemus: When you add a "super" or a "mondo," then it's dangerous just to be within splash distance. RazorRemus: When you add both, you probably just shouldn't watch, cause it'll be ugly. RazorRemus: Ooh! The ceiling fan could fall on her head and she could stumble and slip on a rock which flies and knocks over the clock which falls on the floor which sets off the spring which launches the brick which hits Minerva in the head! RazorRemus: The brick can set off the catapault which launches Henri's body through the window which lands on Minerva and puts her in a coma! SilverLeap: And then I'll grab the piece of cheese and the basket will fall on top of her and I'll win Mousetrap! SilverLeap: I have some anti-pant literature you might want to read. Ech0flash: He's a terrorist. I think over the top is in his job description. RazorRemus: That's what makes him cool though. He's understated. Ech0flash: Can terrorists be understated? Doesn't that undercut their whole reason for living? RazorRemus: Shh, you'll ruin my fun. RazorRemus: I miss my potatoes. S0lenis: Hey, Amy? Promise me something? SilverLeap: Shoot. S0lenis: It's sort of important. SilverLeap: In that case, Yes, Rebecca, I promise you this important thing that I have no idea what I'm promising to. RazorRemus: PI IS EXACTLY THREE! RazorRemus: <chorusgasp> SilverLeap: I feel like I need an eyeball massage. S0lenis: She's certainly getting uppity lately S0lenis: Talking back! S0lenis: Not posting SilverLeap: No kidding! S0lenis: Godding characters! SilverLeap: What we need here is good ol' fashioned discipline. SilverLeap: Bullwhips and paddles and the like. S0lenis: <hands Amy a birchstick> RazorRemus: WHO WANTS TO SEE MY STAPLER? Ech0flash: I WANT TO SEE YOUR STAPLER! RazorRemus: I think the first thing is, when's it gonna be? SilverLeap: As soon as humanly possible RazorRemus: Well duh RazorRemus: Geez, Amy, that's already been established RazorRemus: Get with the program SilverLeap: My my, I give you one big hug last night and now you're all uppity SilverLeap: Dude, you say that like I haven't been writing a list for the past seven months. RazorRemus: What, are you saying that you're all out of ideas? SilverLeap: OH! <offended> Ass! Of course I'm not! RazorRemus: Good thing, I was worried RazorRemus: Well, your thingy did tell you that you're going to die in your 20's SilverLeap: I thought we decided we weren't going to mention that. S0lenis: Yes, struggling with Nicolai, locking his hands behind his back, sweat rolling down his taut, straining stomach... SilverLeap: STOP! SilverLeap: DIRTY DIRTY OMG KEEP GOING SilverLeap: Boys have it too damned easy, I've decided Ech0flash: I know! Ech0flash: On the other hand, they don't get free stuff for wearing low-cut shirts. Ech0flash: I'm not uppity, I'm just aware of my social standing. SilverLeap: Snob! Ech0flash: I am not. God, it's so rough knowing everyone else is so much lower than us. SilverLeap: But Becca, what makes us higher than the common man? RazorRemus: Well, for one thing, we don't think Married with Children is funny. Ech0flash: You mean, aside from intellect, good looks, dazzling wit, impenetrable logic, and fantastic creative ability? RazorRemus: Yeah, aside from all that Ech0flash: We smell better. Ech0flash: Silly Amy. Finish youru post or I shall put cool whip in your ear. SilverLeap: Cool whip is for mouths, not for ears Ech0flash: Then best you be posting, or I'll make you look like a sundae cup with orientation issues and delusions of life! Ech0flash: Must survive... so... I can have... personality... of.... asparagus... RazorRemus: IFCon II! RazorRemus: Coming to a hotel room near you! RazorRemus: Break out the crayons! Sharpen your knives! SilverLeap: Keep your children and small pets indoors! Ech0flash: We're modest, and damn proud of it. SilverLeap: The greatest thing about us is our humility Ech0flash: OMG, after that, I have to have a cookie. Ech0flash: Only cause I don't smoke S0lenis: I'm drinking out of an Evian bottle! SilverLeap: I'm drinking out of a sippycup! S0lenis: I have ab ottle, you have a sippy cup. S0lenis: You're ahead. SilverLeap: Now that's a change for once. Solenis: Hahahahahaha, we both said king. We've now been marked as lesbians. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! SilverLeap: Room service to the lesbians on floor three! S0lenis: They need more ice! SilverLeap: Rose petals, we need more rose petals, STAT! SilverLeap: Yeah, we so sound like lesbos Ech0flash: Fuck em, our lesbo money is as good as the next RazorRemus: Well, see, we shouldn't hurt ourselves or anything. Nothing could be as cool as us. SilverLeap: This is true. SilverLeap: Fiiine, you think of a better idea RazorRemus: I'm thinking, I'm thinking SilverLeap: THINK HARDER RazorRemus: Hey, don't rush brilliance! SilverLeap: Oh, that's what we're calling it these days, hmm? RazorRemus: Well, I was going for modesty. RazorRemus: Make us proud! SilverLeap: I'll be a credit to the cause! SilverLeap: We should start a guild of female contract killers. SilverLeap: Wick, Kat, and Riya. SilverLeap: Talk about women's lib. SilverLeap: It would be outraaaaaaaaaageously hot. Ech0flash: *pokesAmyintheside* Dance! SilverLeap: <doestheAmyHappyDance©> RazorRemus: Oooh, cool! Lemme try! <pokesAmyintheside> Forget about the money I owe you! SilverLeap: HA! SilverLeap: Fear tastes really yummy with apple pie. SilverLeap: <munchmunch> Ech0flash: Sort of a Pie a la Mode. SilverLeap: It got canceled halfway there, but we had a knife fight in the parking lot. Ech0flash: Really? Did you win? SilverLeap: Wellllllllllllllllll SilverLeap: I got tickled. Ech0flash: Hahahahahahaha Ech0flash: You LOST. Ech0flash: In a KNIFE FIGHT. SilverLeap: Shut up! Ech0flash: I mean...sex...in a story? SilverLeap: How immoral! SilverLeap: How shocking! SilverLeap: What is society coming to these days?! SilverLeap: The foreplay is getting tedious. SilverLeap: I want to stab myself in the eye. They're so slow! RazorRemus: I never told you guys, but he sent me emails congratulating us SilverLeap: You got an email too? RazorRemus: Oh, lots RazorRemus: It was like every other day RazorRemus: Remus, You guys are so superbodaciously awesome. Could you give me writing pointers sometime? OSC RazorRemus: We're cool SilverLeap: I think that's a given RazorRemus: Just so long as that's established RazorRemus: Amy, you can go drunk to our wedding RazorRemus: I give you permission SilverLeap: Oh, thank GOD RazorRemus: So long as you don't interrupt the ceremony RazorRemus: So just drink so much that you can't walk, and it should be okay RazorRemus: Cause honestly, if you fall you might drown in Becca's dress |