Premium member in Enlisted posts: 166 since: Mar 03, 2001
1. Call-Outs
Bai, when you get online tonight, check your email and give me a call, k? Yada yada let's chat, since we're the only ones around.
Date: Dec 27, 2001 on 06:55 p.m.
Normal member in Enlisted posts: 648 since: Mar 25, 2001
2. Re:Call-Outs
B & B-- Going to my grandma's to make sushi. Home around 4 or so. Don't you dare open your presents until I'm back, Minnie. I'll be here after that for awhile to post and play with you two.
Date: Dec 31, 2001 on 12:31 p.m.
Premium member in Fleet Admiral posts: 1562 since: Mar 02, 2001
3. Re:Call-Outs
Did I hear correctly? Did Bailey get her presents? :-D:-D:-D
Someone come back and tell me pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease!