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1. Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
Date: Mar 25, 2001 on 03:56 p.m.
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2. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Sergei brushed himself off, and extended a hand toward Rabin. "Hi," he said. "Um. I'm Sergei."

Rabin was lying back on his bunk, with his eyes closed. "I know who you are, green. You're Mishkin's little brother. And if you're half the ass he is, we ain't gonna be doing much talking, you catch?"

After a few seconds, Sergei seemed to realize that Rabin wasn't going to shake his hand, and so slowly withdrew it. "You know my brother?" he asked.

Rabin snorted. "Ain't many that don't. He's likes to think he's a badass at the Sim, but he flies like a veg and can't shoot worth shit. He's a scout, so that's what he uses as his excuse. Likes to show off for the greens. You like that too, Mishkin? You a flashboy, like to think you're god of the cockpit, make 'em all 'ooh' and 'ah' for you?"

Sergei might have laughed, except that he was more than a little afraid of Rabin. "Um. Not really."

"Let's hope not. Outside the Sim, you can act however you like, green. You can boast about being death on wings, you can show off for the little girls all you like, but when you fly with me you stick to what you know and you don't show off shit. You catch, flash? Outside the Sim, that's your business. But inside, you do what I tell you, you learn quick and you do good, or I end you. You follow?"

Sergei gulped, uncomfortably. "Um. I follow."

Date: Mar 26, 2001 on 05:17 p.m.
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3. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Sergei changed quickly into his new uniform. He smiled, faintly. It fit him. For the first time in . . . Sergei couldn't even remember the last time he'd had a uniform that fit properly.

Nicolai. Sergei was surprised at himself. He hadn't even thought about his brother. Not in at least a year. Now they were in the same school again, and Sergei could go see him.

He had no idea where he could find his brother, and didn't want to ask Rabin. The older boy -- no, this was a man, Sergei knew -- seemed not to like Nicolai, and Sergei didn't want to ask him where to find his brother. He'd ask someone walking around, perhaps. Rabin had said that everyone knew Nicolai. Rabin had also said that Nicolai liked to show off. So maybe he'd be in the Game Area.

Sergei left the cell.

Date: Mar 26, 2001 on 05:35 p.m.
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4. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Wick walked into the Quad and sat down on her bunk, nodding in a passably halfway friendly manner to the older boy on the bunk across from her. Sergei wasn't here any more. Probably off wandering around and getting lost.

She was sore and tired and her constant state of confusion was beginning to irritate her. She still hadn't found Jor, and he hadn't come to see her. Of course, she hadn't looked very hard, just a cursory glance through most of the school on her way back to the Quads. Maybe that was it. He was done with her. She grit her teeth. Jor wouldn't...couldn't do that to her. They belonged to each other.

These thoughts passed quickly, and meanwhile she was pulling her desk out. Same model, same mail system. Nothing from Jor.

A thought occurred to her and she looked up at the older boy. "Did anyone come by while I was away?"

Date: Mar 26, 2001 on 05:38 p.m.
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5. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Without opening his eyes, Rabin replied, "Nope."

Rabin breathed in, deeply, and grinned. "You ought to grab a shower, girl," he said, his low voice somewhere between teasing and malisciousness. "I can smell him on you. Sweat and pheremones. You're still broadcasting. 'Less of course that don't bother you. Sure ain't unpleasant to me."

Date: Mar 26, 2001 on 05:46 p.m.
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6. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Wick stared open-mouthed at the brazen reply he gave her.

For a second she didn't know whether to hit him or laugh. The sheer audacity of his comment was overridden for a moment when she realized he was right. It was faint, but definitely there. He must have one hell of a sense of smell to get it at range, though. She could barely detect it herself.

She finally closed her mouth and reached over to get a clean uniform. "Jealous, flicker?" she asked bitterly. She'd meant it to be taunting, maybe even playful, but it came out bitter anyway.

Date: Mar 26, 2001 on 05:58 p.m.
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7. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Rabin's maliscious grin grew even wider, but he still didn't open his eyes. He chuckled, from deep in his throat, and replied, "Over you? Don't flatter yourself, girl. I prefer real women."
Date: Mar 26, 2001 on 06:03 p.m.
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8. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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last updated at Mar 26, 2001 08:10 p.m. (1 times)
Wick's eyes slitted as her temper flared. It felt good to be angry again. It made her feel in control. If this boy wanted a fight, she was just the girl to give it to him.

"If you're talking about Sergei, I don't think the kid could take it," she said with a vicious smirk, her eyes full of fire as she got the rest of what she needed for her shower ready to go piled on top of her clean uniform. "Guess you'll just have to wait until your mother comes to visit again, eh?" She palmed the door open and left, but not before a small smile snuck out and ruined a good deal of her anger. At least he had a sense of humor, rough as it was.

The door slid shut behind her as she went to take a bath.

Date: Mar 26, 2001 on 06:22 p.m.
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9. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Once she was gone, Rabin opened his eyes, staring up at the bunk above. And he laughed. Not just a chuckle. A hearty belly laugh.

She was good, this veg that called herself "Wick". She had fire in her. She had flame. Rabin liked flame. He liked fire.

It was painfully obvious that this Sergei stooge wasn't going to be any fun at all, except perhaps as a regular target for ridicule. And there was always the chance that, no matter how deplorably bumbling and shy he seemed now, he might grow right into his brother's shoes. The last thing Rabin needed was another Nicolai right sharing a cell with him. If that ever happened, well, Rabin was going to have to beat Sergei into a wall.

But Wick. Wick was different. Definite potential there. The banter was good. Rabin set a lot of store by how well a veg could banter. And this girl, this Wick -- there was a lot of potential there.

But then, a lot depended on her, also. And the other green, the one that had come in and dragged her away, the one who's smell was on her when she came back -- he might be a problem. Not for Rabin, of course; he didn't concern himself with whether or not a girl was already taken. He let the girls decide for themselves. And besides, this Wick was too young for him anyway. He wasn't looking for a new toy. He was looking for a partner in crime. Somebody as fantastically mad and reckless as he. And this girl had potential.

Assuming that her muscled pet green didn't get in the way.

Date: Mar 26, 2001 on 08:51 p.m.
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10. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Rabin sat up, and rose to his feet. His movements were fluid, graceful; he kept him self in excellent condition. He firmly believed that a powerful mind required a powerful body. And Rabin bothered with no foolish modest illusions -- he knew that he had both.

Right now his mind was working. And as always happened when his mind was especially active, he felt the need to be physically active as well. He wanted to go do something. He couldn't do his thinking while holding still, and breathing slow, deep breaths like most. He needed to be in motion. He needed to feel exertion. And as his body pushed itself, so too would his mind.

He didn't bother taking all of his uniform -- the teachers weren't too strict about compliance with dress code within the habitat section. So he wore his uniform pants, and an undershirt, and left the cell.

Date: Mar 27, 2001 on 10:40 a.m.
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11. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Wick entered the barracks with a silent sigh of relief. She hadn't seen Nathan or his companion, and the Cell door closing behind her gave her a greater feeling of security.

Jor's loss ate at her soul.

She couldn't do for long without him, she knew. She felt faded and dull already. He was her match. Without him she was as as useless as wet wood. Eventually she would be forced to release the fire or risk complete burnout. She'd gotten too dependent on him, and now it would cost her.

What the hell was she going to do about the Angel?

She stripped to her undershirt and skivvies and slipped into the sheets of her bunk. A faint scent of Jor still lingered here from his visit this morning, and she closed her eyes and tried to sleep.

It was a long time coming.

Sergei came back first, making all sorts of noise bumping around and finally settling into his bunk and beginning to softly snore. The other vet followed shortly after, relatively quiet after Sergei's tornado.

Rabin came in later, padded silently to his bed and presumably went to sleep. She could hear nothing specific from his bunk at all.

Wick slept.

Date: Mar 28, 2001 on 09:25 p.m.
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12. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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The lights came on and she opened her eyes.

She sat up, dressed, pulled on her boots and laced them up. The others were beginning to move around too, but she just ignored them. She ignored almost everything. She had to find out a great deal of information about Nathan today, and wouldn't have much time between classes. Then she had to figure out a way to get him iced for good that wouldn't put her or Jor in danger. It was strange, her lack of nervousness or enthusiasm, thinking these thoughts.

She felt almost dead without her match.

She gathered her desk and her school materials and left the Cell, her mind stirring the cold ashes of her resolve.

Date: Mar 30, 2001 on 09:52 a.m.
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13. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Rabin woke up late.

His first class of the day was Basic Electronic Maintenance, which was a waste of a perfectly good hour. Rabin rarely went. The extra sleep was nice, and nobody ever bothered him about being absent from it. The adults watched him in the simulator. They knew that this particular student wasn't going to be a wrench-turner. Rabin was going to fly. If not for the IF, then for whoever wanted him. So they let him have an extra hour, because what he learned in Electronics he would never, ever need.

Wick and Sergei were already gone when he got up. He pulled on his undershirt, and changed into a fresh pair of pants, and set out from his room for his morning run.

Date: Mar 31, 2001 on 02:24 p.m.
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14. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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"You know, spark, one of these days when we get off this asteroid, I'm gonna take you back to Maui and..." he trailed off from his story as he approached her cell, trying to palm open the door while still carrying her against him. She smiled and leaned down to open the doorway for him, and with a kiss to her chin, Jor entered, depositing her gently onto her bunk.

"Get some rest now. I'll be back in a few hours, and you'd better be here..." he grinned, sneaking a kiss before moving towards the exit. "Sleep, or else." With that, Jor locked the door behind him as he left, eyes narrowing as he started to scheme again. He wasn't about to let Nathan hurt Wick one more time. There had to be some way to reach him...

Date: Apr 19, 2001 on 11:28 a.m.
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15. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Rabin entered tired. It had been a long day.

He'd spent time in the Sim, putting greens in their place, but that had been utterly boring. A few vets had challenged him, but none had provided even the slightest challenge. He'd donw some running, and even visited the gym. He hadted using the equipment there, but he still had far too much anger in him from recent events, and he needed to work that out of his body. Rabin knew what happened when he didn't, and couldn't think of anyone here at this school that deserved it, with the possible exception of the probie green that had torched wick. Rabin would have loved to make that boy pay, but it wasn't his fight, and as long as the probie stuck to the rules Rabin had set for him -- as long as he never touched a hydra again -- then Rabin wouldn't raise a hand against him.

Wick was in her bunk. Rabin considered saying something. He couldn't think of anything to say that seemed right, however, so he simply dropped onto his bunk and let his breathing slow.

Date: Apr 19, 2001 on 11:51 a.m.
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16. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Wick opened her eyes when the door slid open, half-expecting Sergei to come smashing in, but it was Rabin, silent and exuding an aura of anger. Wick smiled quietly to herself in the near-dark. He'd probably tried his charm on one of those "real women" and been shot down. All these older boys were the same, Nicolai, the twins, all focused on a single objective that had nothing to do with their studies.

She was tired, but not tired enough to pass up the chance to taunt him. She still owed him from their encounter in the laundry room, anyway. He'd caught her at a bad time, there. She had catching up to do.

"What's the matter, Rabin? Sergei turn you down after all?"

Date: Apr 19, 2001 on 03:07 p.m.
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17. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Hmm. Taunting. She must have been feeling better.

That made Rabin feel a little bit better. Not much, but a little. Still, he wasn't in the mood to play tonight. "No," he said, his voice rough. "I was following smells. There was a pretty interesting one coming from the Storage Bay. I followed it to the Infirmary. Then I went and had a talk with your pet veg. I thought maybe he might know something about it. But he didn't smell right. Took me a while to find the one who did."

Date: Apr 19, 2001 on 09:52 p.m.
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18. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Wick's smirk froze on her face and faded rapidly.

The Storage Bay. He'd been there, just after she'd...left, followed her to the infirmary...and then gone to see Jor. She swallowed quietly. Jor had already told the doctor where he was when she was attacked. She was about to ask him what Jor had been doing when the second part of his statement struck her.

"You..." She couldn't continue. He'd found Mode? He'd probably been hurt. No wonder he was in a bad mood. She narrowed her eyes. Why would Rabin choose to hunt down Mode on her behalf? He'd been nothing but rude, and she'd returned the favor. Maybe he'd just been curious.

She pushed herself painfully from her bunk and latched onto the side of his, pulling herself up without waiting for an invitation and sitting at his feet. "What happened?" she asked, her tone flat.

Date: Apr 20, 2001 on 02:03 p.m.
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19. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Rabin's voice didn't soften in the slightest. "That ain't your concern," he said. "Listen carefully, veg. You new here, so you may not get it yet. But here your Quad is your family. You will fight for them, and they will fight for you. But if you go makin' your Quad fight some fucking psycho probie for you for no good reason, then you put them in danger. You follow? I told that wack that if he don't leave my Quad alone he ain't gonna see another day. But if you go pickin' a fight with him, we ain't gonna step in, veg. You be smart. You stay away from him, and we got your back. But if you go after him, you go on your own."
Date: Apr 20, 2001 on 09:42 p.m.
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20. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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She absorbed his words and looked at him thoughtfully. "Just one big happy family, eh?" she said half to herself, and then fastened fingertips around one of his ankles, not to be painful, but to get his attention. "You'd really rather watch me fight him all by myself? Not much of a fighter, Rabin?" Her tone was taunting, but her eyes were focused unerringly on his face in the near-darkness.
Date: Apr 20, 2001 on 10:20 p.m.
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21. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Rabin glared. "I don't fight for sport, green. I fight for survival. And I ain't goin' to risk myself or my Quad for some pissant veggie who wants a war. Now get off my goddamn bed and go to sleep."
Date: Apr 21, 2001 on 10:48 a.m.
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22. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Wick didn't move an inch. "I didn't mean for you to take all personal like. You just seemed so bored without Sergei around I had to offer you something to do." She drummed her fingers idly on his ankle. Wick doubted she could get any use out of Rabin to fight Mode - not directly, anyway - but he had a temper, and that made him fun to play with.

"Are you always this exciting, flicker? Or are you still all riled up about my arm?" Her voice got a little less even than she would have liked, but she brought it to heel quickly, bringing it back to smoothness as she unsnapped her cuff and pushed her sleeve up to show him the nearly faded pink lines bracketing the skin graft. "All better, baby. But thanks for following up." Sincerity slipped into her voice, but she didn't mind. Something about this boy put her in a good mood.

Date: Apr 21, 2001 on 10:42 p.m.
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23. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Rabin didn't lighten at all. "Go. To. Sleep."
Date: Apr 21, 2001 on 10:52 p.m.
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24. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Wick let out a quick exasperated breath. Banked. She wasn't tired. She'd spent almost three days on her back, resting. Her ankle hurt, but she'd had a nap before Rabin woke her, and sleep just didn't appeal.

"Right." She scratched her fingernails against the bottom of his foot, not enough to hurt, but enough to make him jerk away reflexively, and jumped down from his bunk, careful to put most of her weight on her good ankle. A shower sounded nice. Maybe she could hit the Game Arena on the way back.

Gathering up her spare uniform, she tapped Rabin's bunk on the way out and left the barracks.

Date: Apr 21, 2001 on 10:58 p.m.
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25. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Rabin closed his eyes again, and his face didn't soften again until he was asleep.
Date: Apr 21, 2001 on 11:03 p.m.
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26. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Wick limped into the barracks with a smile of satisfaction on her face.

Watching Nicolai getting flogged was fun. Watching Dominic do it while pretending to be Donovan was better, and watching Dominic punch him was right over the top of amusing and into enjoyable, especially with Jor there to enjoy it with her. If her match had thought she harbored feelings for the stuck up flyboy, she'd disproved them this afternoon, and that felt good.

She and Jor had returned to his cabin after dinner and spent a pleasant hour or so together before lights out encroached too closely and she had to shower and return to her Cell. Sergei was already asleep, and the other one as well. Rabin was there and awake, and they'd shared a look of common mischief before the lights died and she crawled into her bunk.

Today had been a good day. Jor had been sweet, Nicolai had been humiliated, and Mode had been completely absent.

A smile was still on her lips when she closed her eyes and slept.

Date: Apr 30, 2001 on 06:13 p.m.
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27. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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They stood in the lit corridor, outside the cell door. Colonel von Starnburg surrounded by requisitioned MPs. All the way here, his step had been brisk, more so than normal. He was looking forward to this; it had simply been too long since his last snatch-and-grab operation, and he missed it. The burdens of rank sadly prevented him from getting down in the trenches anymore and he missed the thrill of making house calls. A smile twitched across his face.

The MPs were dressed in their finest riot gear - all the better to intimidate with, von Starnburg thought wryly - dressed in black full-body armor with stun batons at the ready, they looked more like sinister alien beings than men. Starnburg himself was in his best uniform: Jet black slacks with a crease upon which you could cut steak, tucked into equally black knee-high boots. He wore a high-collared jacket that came up to just below his chin, black of course, with silver buttons running up the middle and sporting black and silver shoulder boards, engraved in the crest of the IA. For the occasion, he had decided to wear his side arm, even though it was technically against regulations. All in all, he had thought before heading out, a rather fine figure of a secret policeman.

The senior MP glanced at him questioningly, and the Colonel nodded. They could go in. They did.

He locked the door open, and the MPs rushed into the room, silent. Two to the left side, two to the right. Starnburg himself stood framed in the doorway, a halo of light streaming in around him, a menacing specter of darkness.

"Wake them. Find me the girl." He couldn't help himself; the desire to have the other children see what was happening, to make them conscious and fearful, was too powerful for him to resist. With savage prods, the MPs forced each cell member awake.

When he saw what he supposed to be a female shape start up, von Starnburg nodded in satisfaction, reveling in the fear and confusion.

"Come along Wick," he said, baring his teeth in a cold smile, "It's time we had a little chat."

Date: Apr 30, 2001 on 06:20 p.m.
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28. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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He heard them coming long before the door opened. Five of them, walking in synchronized stride. He could tell right away -- as if the synched boots didn't make it obvious enough -- that they were not students because of the sound of their steps, heavy and plodding, as of men weighed down by gear. Rabin was fully awake, and by the time the door opened he was ready and waiting for them.

They spread out once they entered; two came to Rabin's side, and two to Wick's. One man gripped Rabin's bicep and hauled roughly, and Rabin could see the other doing the same to the worthless bender tha bunked above him. The man that grabbed Rabin got quite a shock, however.

The same arm that the MP grabbed flexed suddenly, and Rabin's fingers locked around the edge of the man's breastplate, and Rabin hauled him closer as his other fist arced across from the far side of the bunk and smashed right into the faceplate of the man's helmet. It did not actually hurt him, but it was enough to make the man let go and recoil, and that was all the time Rabin needed.

He'd braced his feet against the bare wall that his bunk lay against, and now he shoved off, making use of the powerful muscles he'd built up back in Battle School's null-g combat and had maintained through his years here at Command School with his running. He spun atop his bunk, with his shoulder as his fulcrum, and he kicked out into the stunned MP's chest, sending him sprawling back. He is spin continued right through the MP reaching up to the bunk above, sweeping the man's legs right out from under him.

Rabin was up on his own feet in the blink of an eye, and he kicked out at one of the two MPs still standing. The man had turned, and deflected the kick, and so Rabin shifted his center of balance, and raised his fists. In the dim light, a glimmer shined in his eyes.

"Step up, Cletus," Rabin said, with a malicious grin. "I'm gonna teach you how we dance in Haifa."

Date: Apr 30, 2001 on 08:31 p.m.
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29. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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The boy was good, Starnburg would give him that, but foolish. These were not Command School children he was dealing with - the MPs had been caught off guard {and would hear from him later for it} but they were still bigger, stronger, and more experienced than this upstart. And the boy waited for them. That was a mistake. Johan nodded imperceptibly to one of the other guards seeing to the girl. This third turned and charged, baton raised.

The boy blocked him easily, but he had not been meant to succeed, merely to distract. By now the other two were up, and as their comrade went down, they renewed the attack. One came up behind the boy, grabbed his shoulder, and spun him around. Not wanting to actually damage him {these command school brats were expensive, after all}, the MP slapped him full in the face and the force of his gauntleted hand was enough to spin the boy back around. Back into the waiting arms of his comrade, who proceeded to savagely beat him about the body, yet remaining careful not to hit anywhere that would leave a visible bruise. Seeing that the boy was about to retaliate, the first MP waded in, and brought him down, still struggling. The two then pinned him to the floor, helpless, and turned back to von Starnburg for guidance.

The Colonel nodded again to the two unoccupied MPs who each grabbed an arm of the stunned Wick, and frog-marched her toward the door. As they were passing, von Starnburg stopped them, and looked down into the face of his quarry. Scarcely more than a girl, he thought, and yet, all this trouble, just for her. Breaking her will be… amusing.

"No more wasting time," he told her, "We have much to discuss." Johan motioned the guards to lead the way back to the detention center.

As he turned to follow, von Starnburg paused and turned back to the room, to see the remaining MPs hauling up the boy, ready to detain him as well.

"No," he told them. "The boy is irrelevant. Teach the whelp some manners, and then catch up with us." Von Starnburg turned on his heel and strode after his prize, ears ringing with soft music of a careful beating.

It had turned out to be an excellent day.

Date: Apr 30, 2001 on 09:11 p.m.
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30. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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The MPs worked on Rabin for a few minutes. They knew what they were doing. Nothing terribly dmamging -- they were here to inflict pain, not injury. After each blow, however, Rabin would raise his head -- as best he was able -- and grin at them. The blows just kept getting more severe, and Rabin could see their anger; anger at having been knocked down by a seventeen year old student, and fury at having been humiliated before their fellow soldiers and their commander. They were getting hotter by the minute, and Rabin's grin only stoked the fire. Good, he was saying, inside his own mind. Leave marks, boys. Leave marks where they can all see. They'll hurt you a lot more than they'll ever hurt me, I guarantee it.

Finally, Rabin's grin was too much for the man doing the hitting, and his foot lashed out, catching Rabin in the gut. Rabin doubled forward, but he had no breath with which to cry out, and he was glad of that. The blows stopped then, but the man holding him from behind did not let go. The MP before Rabin was trying to look imposing and stoic, but Rabin could see it in the lines of his body, see the shame. Didn't think you'd have to do anything like this, did you, boys? Just thought you were gonna swoop in in the night and drag some girl from her bed without a fight?

With great effort, Rabin straightened up, enough so that he could raise his head again to look at the MP in front of him. He grinned, again.

The MP roared, and backhanded Rabin. With gauntlets like these boys were wearing, a slap was no laughing matter. Rabin's head hung forward, as though he didn't even have the strength to lift it. But they could hear him. It started as a soft chuckle. But it grew. It got louder and louder, until the man slapped Rabin again. Then the laughing stopped.

Rabin could not lift his head. If not for the man holding him, he would not even be standing. His mouth was red inside, and blood ran down his jaw and dripped onto the floor.

But Rabin was able to turn his head, just a bit, so that his eyes could find a line of sight to the MP before him. And he grinned. "Someday," he said, blood leaking from his mouth, "I wanna be a soldier like you guys."

He was tossed to the ground, and the MPs left.

It wasn't long before he felt hands lifting him. Consciousness never left him. He was far too stubborn to fall unconscious. They sat him on his bed, and it was Sergei that knelt down in front of him, looking up into his face. Even with vision as hazy as his was, he could see the expression on Sergei's face easily. Awe. Simple, dumbfounded awe.

"That was the bravest thing I've ever seen," Sergei said, his voice barely above a whisper.

But Rabin did not want Sergei's admiration. What good had his violence done, if Wick had still been taken? It might even be worse for her now; those men might be looking to work out some of that shame they felt on someone who couldn't fight back. Rabin planted a hand against Sergei's face and shoved, knocking the boy back on his ass and sending him sliding. Rabin's hand then flashed out and gripped the undershirt of the cell's other vet, Wes. If "vet" coudl be applied to a worm like him. Rabin pulled himself to his feet using Wes as his brace, and then shoved him out of the way as he stumbled toward the door. When he got to it, he half-turned, to look over his shoulder at him. "You miserable fucking cowards," he said. "What if it had been you they were coming for?"

He left the cell without another word.

Date: May 01, 2001 on 09:16 a.m.
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31. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Rabin led the way into his cell, Rox close behind. Wes was gone, and Sergei was on his bunk, reading. Rabin jerked a thumb toward the door. "Out, Cinderella."

Sergei whined, but closed down his desk and took it with him as he left.

Rabin knelt down beside his bunk, and pulled the gear out from beneath. "Let's see what we got," he said.

There was more than he'd expected there to be, actually. Aside from the armor and uniform, there were three sets of sturdy cuffs, a metal combat knife, a stun prod, nylon zipties, a canister of mace, an asp, and several teargas grenades.

"So how you planning to get flash anywhere, after that shit with the sim? You got a plan, or you gonna just hint at 'thanking him' and hope he keeps his brains in the same place as the rest of your boy toys?"

Date: May 09, 2001 on 05:35 p.m.
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32. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Rox smiled shyly at Rabin, her eyes wide as she picked up a pair of handcuffs and twirled them on one finger.

"Nico... I'm really sorry about what happened, I never wanted to fight... so please don't be mad at me, I just want to be... friends... again like we used to be before Dominic and all this fuss. Meet me in the library after lights-out? I'll make it up to you, just like old times... please forgive me. I'll be waiting there for you, baby. Miss you something awful, my scout. Kisses from Roxy."

She leaned over and picked up the armor, slipping it over her head and giggling as she was virtually lost in the Kevlar jacket. The asp was next, and she swung it like a bat before grinning broadly at Rabin. "You think thatsa gonna work, Rabin? C'mon now..." she fluttered her eyelashes at him coyly and poked him playfully in the gut with the asp. "Y'know you wouldn't be able to resist..."

Date: May 09, 2001 on 05:47 p.m.
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33. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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"I don't get led around by my less-intelligent bits like the boys you play with, Roxy. But as for Mishkin, I got no doubt he'll be walking hips-first all the way there."
Date: May 09, 2001 on 06:08 p.m.
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34. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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last updated at May 09, 2001 06:24 p.m. (1 times)
She managed a half-hearted injured sniff, sticking her tongue out at Rabin as he grinned dryly at her. "Pshah, not all of 'em are like that... 'sides, I got me a boyo. Don't need those toys anymore... and Nico's gonna be the perfect present, eh? You wait and see. I gotta few tricks up my sleeve yet."

Rabin shrugged and shoved the assorted gear underneath his bunk once more as Rox pulled off the armor and let him put it away. She did, however, shove two pairs of handcuffs into her side pocket, smiling as Rabin tucked the combat knife into his belt. What a partner. He climbed into his bunk, and she slid into the one opposite, borrowing the desk that had been left on the pillow and logging in. It only took a few moments for her to type in and send the little note to Nicolai, and she giggled wildly when she finally did, throwing her pillow at Rabin. "Sent, baby! Nico's goin' down!"

Even if she couldn't see his face, Rox knew exactly what Rabin's expression would be. They were two of a kind, her and Rabin, pranksters at heart and mischievious to the core. They still had some time left until lights-out, and she lounged lazily on her stomach now, her feet waving idly as she played around on the desk, just looking through random files.

Finally, though, enough time had passed, and Rabin hopped down from above and motioned to her. Rox snapped off the desk screen and pushed it away, rolling from the bed. When he nodded toward the door, she grinned widely and followed him out into the corridor. Ten minutes until bedtme-- enough time for them to reach the library and for Rabin to hide himself before night came and Nicolai would face their games.

Gonna get it now, flyboy...

Date: May 09, 2001 on 06:22 p.m.
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35. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Wick lay back on her bunk and thought.

A slight smile was on her lips, an unconscious remnant of her time with Jor, but her reverie wasn't deep enough to keep from noticing Wes looking at her with wide eyes from across the room. He was looking at her bruises. Her small smile turned into a frown of distaste and she looked at him and narrowed her eyes, catching his gaze too fast for him to turn away.

"Daze elsewhere, taper. I'm not in the mood." Sergei looked up when she spoke, and she glared at him too, and in near unison the boys turned away, doing whatever they could to have something else to do, something else to look at.

How pathetic, she thought bitterly. Before she'd been taken, she wouldn't have expected any of her roommates to fight for her, not against armed MPs and an IA official, but Rabin's actions made them look disloyal and cowardly by comparison. Sergei had never been high in her esteem. She'd felt sorry for him more than anything else. Wes didn't even have that going for him, and she doubted her opinion of him would improve.

And then there was Rabin.

Wincing a little to herself, Wick climbed up to his bunk and made herself comfortable. It was almost lights out, and she wanted to have a talk with him when he came back in...and she didn't want to miss him. Fatigue was tugging at her eyelids, but she fought it, and stared at the lights as they faded towards complete blackout.

Date: May 09, 2001 on 09:55 p.m.
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36. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Rabin and Rox stumbled into Hydra A, laughing with the kind of energy that was rarely found in anyone but criminals who'd committed the crime of the century and knew they were going to get away with it. The lights were out, and so Rabin was almost to his bunk by the time he noticed that Wick was waiting for him.

She was watching them.

Rabin was in too good a mood to pass up such a chance at prime comedic material. "Evening, green," he said, with a tip of his imaginary hat. "Usually girls at least ask before climbing into my bed. Whatsa matter? Your veg ain't earned his wings yet?"

Date: May 10, 2001 on 08:22 p.m.
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37. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Wick watched Rabin and a girl stumble in, laughing like a pair of hyenas. The girl paused to lean against the doorway and laugh some more, and Wick ignored Sergei stirring in the bunk above and watched Rabin approach, her own grin widening as she saw the vicious glee on his face. He was nearly to his bunk before he spotted her, and he stopped and his grin got even wider.

"Evening, green," he said, still grinning, and touched his fingers to his forehead and drew them away as if tipping his hat. "Usually girls at least ask before climbing into my bed. Whatsa matter? Your veg ain't earned his wings yet?" That earned a fresh bout of tittering from the girl still leaning on the doorframe. The light hit her face properly and Wick identified her. Roxy. One of Dante's friends. Her grin didn't get any smaller, but her eyes narrowed a bit.

She flicked her gaze back to Rabin. "And you're gonna teach me how to fly, Rabin? You didn't really seem like the flashboy type." She looked to Rox and then back to meet his gaze again, slowly and deliberately, her smile turning a little more snide. "But it looks like it might get crowded. Want me to come back later?"

Date: May 10, 2001 on 08:47 p.m.
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38. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Too funny. Too goddamn funny, and Rox couldn't stop laughing.

It'd taken them forever to make it back to the barracks, finally staggering into the Hydra cell like two drunks who'd had a little too much fun. Rabin managed to get over to his bunk, but she had to stop and lean against the doorframe, gasping and giggling uncontrollably. She glanced up when someone stirred, and Rabin started talking to some girl that she had to squint to see; but in the gloom she couldn't make out anything more than pale features, and gave up trying, snickering more as Rabin teased his cellmate.

"And you're gonna teach me how to fly, Rabin? You didn't really seem like the flashboy type." The girl turned to look at her, and Rox flashed her a brilliant smile just as she continued to speak. "But it looks like it might get crowded. Want me to come back later?"

Oh God. The chick was talking about her. Rox crowed wildly, stumbling over to Rabin and slapping him hard on the back as she winked at the green. "Sorry sweetheart, I ain't got 'I love Rabin' written on my chest!" Rabin grinned broadly at her, the two collapsing into peals of laughter, and she had to lean against him to stay standing as they swayed and giggled together. "Hahahaha whatta wake up present! Gimme one o' those someday, Rabin baby! Hahaha!"

Date: May 10, 2001 on 09:22 p.m.
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39. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Rabin aimed a poke at Rox's side, just below her ribs, and she collapsed into laughter again as Rabin returned his attention to Wick again, never letting his grin flicker. "I think you're a little young for this pilot's preferences, green. What is it you want?"
Date: May 11, 2001 on 10:39 a.m.
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40. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Wick intended to say thank you...but she wasn't going to do it in front of this girl, whoever it was. "Oh, that's alright, flicker," she said with a sweet smile as she settled back against his pillow and shut her eyes. "I can wait."
Date: May 11, 2001 on 11:22 a.m.
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41. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Rabin's smiled faded just a bit. He turned to Rox, winked, and grinned with a predatory gleam in his eye. "I got plans for those teargas grenades," he said. "Find me tomorrow and we'll punch out the details."
Date: May 11, 2001 on 11:35 a.m.
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42. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Rox's eyes widened and she snickered more at Wick's statement, before she refocused and smiled broadly at Rabin. Teargas grenades? Sounded just absolutely wonderful. She stood on her toes to give him a light kiss on the cheek, giggling again as she shot him a very malicious and mischevious glance. Ahhh, what a partner she'd found.

"You betcha, darlin'. You two kiddos have fun tonight..." with a knowing wink at Wick, and a nudge to Rabin. "Me, I'm gonna get some rest so I can wake up an' see Dommy after he gets our present!" Rabin laughed and she giggled again before blowing the pair a kiss. "G'nite my lovelies." With that she palmed out of the barracks, still snickering to herself as she skipped down the corridor on her way back to Griffin barracks. Damn. She couldn't wait to see Dom's face in the morning...

Date: May 11, 2001 on 11:54 a.m.
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43. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Rabin watched Rox go, before turning to Wick. He folded his arms across his chest, and his face had mostly lost its grin. Not that he necessarily looked angry -- no more so than was natural for his face, that is. But he wasn't smiling anymore either. "Alright. She's gone. What do you want?" He thought a moment, and then added, "And get the hell outta my bed. You'll start putting thoughts in little Sergei's head, pullin' this shit." He motioned with his head toward the bunk above Wick's, in which Sergei was pretending to be asleep.
Date: May 11, 2001 on 04:51 p.m.
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44. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Obediently, she slid out of his bunk and stood in front of him, crossed her own arms and appraised.

Rabin was big. Bigger than Jor. Muscles crossed his abdomen and chest, bound his arms like iron clamps. Wick felt physically insignificant next to this powerhouse. Yet he was not invincible; samples of his vulnerability were still freely scattered on his visible skin, no doubt far worse elsewhere, and Wick experienced a rare moment of softening, but quickly shielded it. Soft was not something Rabin would appreciate.

She smirked at him instead, meeting his eyes with a flicker in her own, hit his chest lightly with the side of her fist. "Rock, Rabin. Thanks. You need anything from this green, you let me know."

Date: May 11, 2001 on 11:14 p.m.
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45. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Rabin regarded her for a long moment before deciding she was being real here. She genuinely appreciated what he'd done. After the complete lack of gratitude shown him by Wick's veg, it was nice to hear.

Hydras stick together," Rabin answered. "You for me, me for you, to the end. I'll expect you to do the same for me when they come. And they will, sooner or later. But you got fire, green. I don't doubt you'll do what's gotta be done when the time comes."

Rabin gripped the frame of Wes's bunk as he lowered himself to a sitting position on his own. His injuries were catching back up with him, and he was stiff and sore. He wanted sleep. Rabin lay back, and closed his eyes. "Get some sleep, green. And let your boy know that I don't appreciate guns being pointed at me, and if it happens again he's gonna have to have it surgically removed."

Date: May 11, 2001 on 11:31 p.m.
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46. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Wick grinned.

Jor and Rabin were far too similar to get along. They both had oceans of stubborn pride, they both defended their territory with zealous effectiveness, and they both had the same appreciation for spirit in the people they chose to surround themselves with. And, through some strange twist of fate, they were both eager and willing to protect her.

There are worse things, she thought to herself with a smile.

She touched cool fingertips lightly to Rabin's forehead before moving over to her bunk. Her face and body still ached fiercely, but her limp was nearly gone. Another few days and she would be much improved. Maybe a light workout tomorrow would be tolerable. She lay down and looked up at Sergei's bunk above her. She kicked it. He jumped and made a gasp of surprise, and she grinned and then turned to her side, her eyes falling closed on Rabin's dark silhouette.

Security was a wonderful thing.

Date: May 12, 2001 on 02:12 p.m.
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47. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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When Wick pushed him away, it only made him want her more.

But he'd somehow managed to respect her request for solitude... at least, for about an hour or so. The observatory had quickly become intolerably dull, as had the cavern, commons, and game arena in turn. Normally, he wouldn't have had much of a problem finding something to do, but today was different. Quite frankly, the past few days had been more different than any of their previous two years together.

Jor couldn't decide why, and quickly gave up trying.

Who cared, anyway? Not he. He was happy, Wick seemed happy, and if a few hours separation kept that peace, he was content. It wouldn't last for long, and he knew it. It never did. That was one reason he loved her so much; she made him angry, she made him protective and jealous and possessive and raging, she made him fight for her. Anything less and his interest might have waned. Anything more, and he would have felt too trapped. As it was, Jor was in love, and decided to leave it at that.

The door to her cell was closed when he finally arrived in the Hydra barracks, and he didn't bother to knock, just palmed it open and stepped inside. Wick was curled on her bed, reading something on her desk, but none of her cellmates were there. He smiled broadly and locked the door behind him before launching himself onto the bed, knocking her desk aside and burying his face into her throat with a growl. "Missed you, Spark."

Date: Jun 03, 2001 on 09:47 p.m.
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48. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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Wick was halfway into her political science reading assignment, and, despite all odds, beginning to get interested, when the door to the cell opened. She didn't even glance up. Literature wasn't generally a major interest for her, but the politicians in the past few centuries had been a healthy mix of liars and thieves. She liked reading about power-hungry autocrats. They almost always failed in the end. When they didn't, the next generation invariably did. That kind of talent wasn't usually something that ran in the blood. The children were always too cocky, never as careful as their parents had been, and it took little time for them to lose what their fathers had spent lifetimes gaining.

Take the Ravenshire family line. They had old, old roots, and depending on who had been at the head of the house, they had risen and fallen accordingly. Her great-grandmother had been a fool and a wastrel. She luxuriated above and beyond her inheritance and left her eldest son with very little beyond the family estate and a mass of hungry creditors. There were many petty nobles who had been left in better condition that had quietly washed away into obscurity.

Mathias Ravenshire had other plans.

He had no monetary capital to draw on, so instead he used what he did have in abundance to offer; his four children. His oldest, Penelope, married into a noble family of considerably higher current stature. That held their position. The second child, his son Adrian, he sent to an earthside military academy, let him serve until he attained the rank of Captain and then found him a suitably subservient bride in the younger daughter of a noted politician. That held their notoriety without bringing them too far into the unwelcome public spotlight...and if the girl died shortly after her first son was born, what of it? They still had the blood tie in the child.

His youngest, Lilliana, was a purely fiscal investment. It was a brilliant maneuver, even if Mathias hadn't been primarily responsible. His wife had arranged it in his absence, had the girl delivered and the money in the accounts several weeks before he returned. Jadis Ravenshire had never cared much for her younger daughter, who took entirely too much of her father's attention. Her marriage to Richard Callenstrom brought enough into the family coffers to clear up any last lingering hint of debt and gave them a solid base to build upon for future generations, and Lilliana was willing, if not quite happy, to make the sacrifice.

Wick had never been clear on what happened between her grandparents when Mathias returned, but she got the impression it hadn't been pleasant.

Her reading was interrupted when her desk was shoved aside and someone pounced on her. Irritation and shock melted away to pleased relief when she felt Jor's lips against her throat. "Missed you, spark," he murmured against her skin, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and enjoyed the strength and security of his embrace. "Missed you too, match," she said in his ear, and kissed his neck gently, nipping him far too lightly to mark before she pulled back to meet his emerald eyes. Such a beautiful boy, her match. Her mother's family had cast her off before she was born. Someday she would shed her father's name and be free of him completely, and belong to only herself and one other.

Someday she would be a Windhaven.

Date: Jun 04, 2001 on 10:16 p.m.
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49. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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If he hated to let her go, then he loved to get her back.

He held her tightly as she nipped at his throat, his eyes muting to quiet jade as she drew back to smile at him. Jor returned the smile, closing his eyes to kiss her as with strong arms he rolled them over on the bunk until she sat perched on his hips, and he could stare up into her lovely face.

Those short silky black strands slid across her cheeks, and he lifted a hand to brush them aside, cupping her chin and leaning up for another kiss. He placed his hands on her shoulders, ran along the length of her arms, until an unfamiliar stiffness in the crook of her elbow stopped his exploration.

Blood. Dried blood on her uniform.

His eyes widened as they met her glacier blue ones, and for once, his intial anger was lost in his concern. Jor unzipped her uniform jacket, tugged it off roughly as she gave him only mild resistance, and with gentle fingers touched her wound.

"Spark? You alright?" She didn't answer, and he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her down to lay against his chest. He sighed, closed his eyes, and stroked her back soothingly... more to comfort himself than to comfort her. She'd done something again, and he knew it, and he only hoped that Mode hadn't been involved.

Why won't you just let me protect you? Part of him questioned while the rest of him already knew the answer, and so he didn't bother to ask again, just hardened his resolve to keep her safe and kissed the top of her crown. "Love you."

Date: Jun 05, 2001 on 09:11 a.m.
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50. Re:Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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He cradled her against his chest, and she let her face go blank, her eyes unfocusing slightly as her expression was free of his scrutiny. He wasn't angry...? No, that wasn't it. He was angry, but his concern was masking much of it. She dropped her analysis and concentrated on his hand on her back.

Her analysis would not be put aside so easily, and shifted from him to herself instead. Why had she done that? Self-injury had never been an interest for her. There were differences between destructive tendencies. If her love for fire carried a death wish with it, so be it, but she had never seen the point of piecemeal measures.

The answer was surprisingly easy to discover. It hadn't caused any pain for her, and was not mortal, and so her mind hadn't catalogued it as self-injury. It was just another tool. In some ways, that made her feel...free. She would never have to suffer any pain, on that one part of her body. It was blissfully free of the rules that bound the rest of her, and that meant she had gained new versatility, and that was good.

In all other ways, it terrified her. Those ways she didn't care to analyze, and her mind agreed with her this time and obediently shut down.

"Love you too, match. I'm just fine," she said clearly, her voice even and calm. "It doesn't hurt at all."

Date: Jun 06, 2001 on 02:40 p.m.
Hydra Quad Barracks - Cell A
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